Church Picnic

Church Picnic

  Reminder, The annual Church Picnic will be held July 21st at Calvary Lutheran E01887 King Rd, Waupaca, WI 54981. We will have outdoor service at 10:30am followed by picnic. There will be no service at St. Paul’s on the 21st, we look forward to meeting at Calvary our sister congregation.

Schaum Torts

Schaum Torts

Get your Fresh Strawberry Schaum Tortes

The ‘famous’ Strawberry Schaum Tortes will again be for sale on the lawn of St. Paul’s Lutheran Church in Wild Rose.  The berries are delicious and tortes are being made.  All are welcome to join us again this year, Saturday, July 6th , 11am – OUT!  Last year we sold out early and had many disappointed customers.  We are limited by the amount of berries and of tortes made.    Take outs will be available.  St. Paul’s is located on the corner of Hwy 22/Main St & Park Ave, across from the Family Dollar Store.  Look for the beautiful rose beds. 

Advent Dinners

Advent Dinners

Join Us at St. Paul’s on Wednesday at 5pm for Advent Dinners!! November 29th Homemade Chili with the fixings, December 6th Homemade Chicken Soup, December 13th Baked Potato Bar with all the Fixings, and December 20th Spaghetti Dinner!! A free will offering will be available. Bring you appetite and let us do the cooking!! Then feel free to join us in Worship at 6pm!!

Get your Fresh Strawberry Schaum Tortes

Get your Fresh Strawberry Schaum Tortes

The ‘famous’ Strawberry Schaum Tortes will again be for sale on the lawn of St. Paul’s Lutheran Church in Wild Rose.  The berries are delicious and tortes are being made.  All are welcome to join us again this year, Saturday, July 1st , 10am – OUT!  Last year we sold out early and had many disappointed customers.  We are limited by the amount of berries and of tortes made.    Take outs will be available.  St. Paul’s is located on the corner of Hwy 22/Main St & Park Ave, across from the Family Dollar Store.  Look for the beautiful rose beds. 

Ash Wednesday Service

Ash Wednesday Service

Please join us as we begin our Lenten Journey  Wednesday February 22nd  at 6:00pm with a special Ash Wednesday Service. We will have the imposition of Ashes during the service for those who wish to receive them. We will also celebrate the same service at our sister church Calvary Lutheran E1887 King Road Waupaca, WI 54981 on Thursday February 23d at 6pm.

Theme: Overlay by Kaira